By Cindy Duff
"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ’s triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere."
Cor. 2:14 ESV
When I was a young woman, a mission organization with whom my family served used the motto “Bring Back the King” for one year. That motto resonated with my idealistic young mind. The scripture tells us that this Gospel must be taken to every people group and language, and then Jesus will return as King. The passage above uses the imagery common in that day, of a victorious conquering King parading through the city to celebrate their victory. Imagine with me what it will be like on that day to follow along behind Christ as our King through the streets of the New Jerusalem. Now, THAT will be a grand day of Thanksgiving!
In the meantime, our job is to spread everywhere the beautiful fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. That is a constant challenge to me. Is my life and my testimony of Christ’s work in my life a beautiful aroma to people around me? Am I winsome in talking about Christ, or do I come across as judgmental and dour? The missionaries I have served over the years through Compass definitely have brought a fine aroma into my life as I see their love for people and their commitment to bringing back the King. It is a privilege to be able to walk alongside these servants of the King as they take the Gospel to the last people groups who have never heard. I founded Compass to support these missionaries and their children in this challenging task. It has been my joy to be able to bless and encourage many missionaries over the years to do my small part in this great task, which will Bring Back the King.
So I am thankful this Thanksgiving for you and the part you have played these past 12 years in growing Compass and giving us the resources and the prayer support we need to do this work. I am especially grateful for your prayers, which have sustained us through times of discouragement, weariness, and need. Please keep praying for us as the Lord leads us to expand our reach in many directions. Pray for Roni (our Executive Director), Spenser (our administrator and TCK support coach), Amanda (our Clinical Director), Vivian (our Ruth House Director), Rebekah, our TCK support coach, and Anchi (our Counseling Intern and new Ruth House Manager). Also, lift up our six counselors and six mental health coaches who provide direct care for the missionaries who reach out to us for emotional and spiritual support. I thank God for each of these people who are committed to making that triumphal parade a reality.