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Compass Care Services
Compass offers coaching, counseling, and debriefing services to missionaries and their families. Apply here to schedule a session online or in person or to learn more.

Clinical Counseling
Clinical Counseling is available for those who are struggling with more severe mental health disorders, personality disorders, or suicidal ideation. This service is provided by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and has a cost of $75/session.

Compass Ministries hosts an online Grief Group for Adult Missionary Kids. This is a safe place to process the losses common to young people who grew up on the mission field, including frequent transitions and losing loved ones. In addition, a Pornography Addiction Recovery Group is also offered in-person in the Tampa area.

Support Coaching
Compass Ministries has a team of Support Coaches who are certified through the American Association of Christian Counselors. All of our coaches have cross-cultural experience. Coaches offer support, encouragement, and assistance to those who need help moving forward. Coaching is free for six months.

Pastoral Counseling
Compass Ministries offers Pastoral Counseling for those who need help processing past and current difficulties. Pastoral Counselors are equipped to support those suffering from anxiety, depression, interpersonal conflicts, and other mental health issues. Our team of Pastoral Counselors have Master’s Level Education and cross-cultural experience. Compass Ministries offers six free sessions, and additional sessions are available at $30/session.

Marriage Counseling
Marriage Counseling is a safe place for couples to process their difficulties together and improve communication skills. Pastoral Counselors provide six free sessions of Marriage Counseling, with an option for additional sessions for $30/session.

A Debriefing is an in-person experience in Tampa, Florida which provides a safe space to tell one’s story of cross-cultural life. Each Debriefing is curated for the individual’s needs but focuses generally on sharing one’s story and helping the individual find a healing path forward. The goal is for the individual to integrate the various aspects of their experience into a cohesive whole, and to see God’s hand at work in that experience. Debriefings are two days for individuals and couples and three days for families. Debriefings are best when done in person, but exceptions can be made to do it online if needed.

Ruth House
The Ruth House is a Discipleship House in Tampa, Florida for female Missionary Kids aged 18 and older. The program lasts one year and is intended for MK women who are transitioning to life in the United States, or who need extra support as they enter adulthood. The Ruth House provides community, discipleship, mentoring, coaching, and counseling.

Play Therapy
Play therapy is offered in person in Tampa, Florida by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Young children (ages 3-10) who are experiencing distress due to transitions, trauma, or cross-cultural life often experience healing through communicating through play.

Filial Therapy Training for Parents
Filial Therapy Training is a 10-week course which guides parents in how to do non-directive basic play therapy with their own children. Parents are shown how to view the world through their child’s eyes, and serves to strengthen the parent-child relationship. The training class meets once a week for two hours over 10 weeks. This training is particularly helpful for parents who are serving on the mission field and do not have access to a play therapist for their child. This course is generally offered twice a year.
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